"balot in a box"

a chick's metamorphosis!

“Not Your Ordinary Blood-Sucker” October 31, 2008

I am now an official fan of author Stephenie Meyer. She really made me addicted to “Twilight” saga which is now a movie, starring Robert Pattinson (remember Cedric Diggory of the Harry Potter?) and Kristen Stewart, as Edward  Cullen and Isabella Swan respectively. It’s Stephanie Meyer’s bestselling-novel about modern vampire-human love story. But poor me, ‘coz until now, I still don’t own a copy of Book 1 and her books are rare in our local bookstores (sighs! 😦 ). I was about to order at National Bookstore but it turned me off when the staff told us the uncertainty of the book’s arrival date. But I remain hopeful  though, until my bf showed me an ebook freshly uploaded from the internet (peace 😀 and thanks to some sites that offers free downloads). Mostly, a lotta thanks to Him who patiently lent me his Windows mobile phone which is Microsoft Reader capable for a night or two. And at last, I was able to finish it and I’m now on its second book the “New Moon”.

I’m being captured by the characters she put in. It’s just like when you start reading, you can’t hardly  stop the process because of the thrill and excitement it brings in every chapter. Also, Edward Cullen’s charm is irresistible that it would be possible/easier for a reader to be infatuated with him. And that if I were Bella, I would definitely do everything just to be bitten by Mr. Cullen to gain immortality and live with him forever (hihihi 😀 ). And oh, by the way, the movie premiers few weeks from now and that makes me so excited right now!!!

Books I’m dying to have (paperback will be alright):


New Moon


Breaking Dawn

Other book/s from Stephenie Meyer:

The Host

Next Quest: Getting these books online.

catch it on the bigscreen: 11/21/08