"balot in a box"

a chick's metamorphosis!

“Not Your Ordinary Blood-Sucker” October 31, 2008

I am now an official fan of author Stephenie Meyer. She really made me addicted to “Twilight” saga which is now a movie, starring Robert Pattinson (remember Cedric Diggory of the Harry Potter?) and Kristen Stewart, as Edward  Cullen and Isabella Swan respectively. It’s Stephanie Meyer’s bestselling-novel about modern vampire-human love story. But poor me, ‘coz until now, I still don’t own a copy of Book 1 and her books are rare in our local bookstores (sighs! 😦 ). I was about to order at National Bookstore but it turned me off when the staff told us the uncertainty of the book’s arrival date. But I remain hopeful  though, until my bf showed me an ebook freshly uploaded from the internet (peace 😀 and thanks to some sites that offers free downloads). Mostly, a lotta thanks to Him who patiently lent me his Windows mobile phone which is Microsoft Reader capable for a night or two. And at last, I was able to finish it and I’m now on its second book the “New Moon”.

I’m being captured by the characters she put in. It’s just like when you start reading, you can’t hardly  stop the process because of the thrill and excitement it brings in every chapter. Also, Edward Cullen’s charm is irresistible that it would be possible/easier for a reader to be infatuated with him. And that if I were Bella, I would definitely do everything just to be bitten by Mr. Cullen to gain immortality and live with him forever (hihihi 😀 ). And oh, by the way, the movie premiers few weeks from now and that makes me so excited right now!!!

Books I’m dying to have (paperback will be alright):


New Moon


Breaking Dawn

Other book/s from Stephenie Meyer:

The Host

Next Quest: Getting these books online.

catch it on the bigscreen: 11/21/08


Tuesdays With Morrie

Filed under: good reads — leah @ 2:17 am
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an old man,

a young man,

and a life’s greatest lesson.

After Five People You Meet in Heaven, here’s another piece I’ve gone through from Mitch Albom. A story that have touched so many hearts and lives of individuals. Morrie, an old man who suffered from a body-withering disease called  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), shared his views about the wonders of life while facing”death” fearlessly, is truly heart-warming and life-changing. The values it depicts are simply inspiring – from love, money, family and friends, emotion and forgiveness, and finally to death.

We always wish to live longer and richer, with that fear of leaving the life we live and the possessions we invested on earth. We are all afraid of death. I myself, is even more frightened, simply because I don’t want to leave the people with significance to me. I really hate saying-goodbye-moments for it sounds so depressing. Knowing Morrie is a lot of inspiration. I now have good thoughts on how I want to be remembered by people or simply a random list about the things that I am going to do during my few seconds on earth (Thanks Morrie!! 😀 hi3). “Knock on wood”, we might say, but it’s basically a reality that we shouldn’t be ashamed nor afraid of. And the best thing I couldn’t forget from him is acknowledging every day as our last day on earth thus living it up to the fullest as much as we could (a Buddhist philosophy). To top it all, one can only know how to live if they know how to die.

😀 😀 😀


Cosmoloco August 15, 2008

Filed under: good reads — leah @ 2:44 am

I’ve been a fervent Cosmopolitan Magazine reader since I had my first job in a hospital. Beside our office are doctors’ clinics. The tenant next to our suite happened to be a cosmo collector. She was a lady doctor who never missed a single issue of this fab mag. Since her secretary became one of my friends already, I had free access to her boss’s mags which they eventually put on display for their patients’ benefit while waiting for appointments. I was fascinated with its content for it all talks about us – GIRLS. From fashion trends, to dressing up, to love, life and sexy tidbits, and many other issues that every woman dies to know about. I really wanted then to have my own monthly copy but I couldn’t afford to splurge a hundred and twenty five bucks per issue because of my suuper tight budget. I thanked heavens for the free reading.


It was  December 2007 when I started collecting cosmo mag. I so love every page of it. It conveys a lot of lessons about love and relationship-handling. Cosmo gives views on career motivation, health issues, and even legal matters which significantly affect womanhood. Ways on how to become a fabulously-confident chick is one of the best articles I’ ve read too. If dressing up is a problem, cosmo could be your ”BFF mirror mirror on the wall”. Best beauty product suggestions, beauty tips, and even solutions to common skin dilemmas can also be found in this uber loaded magazine. Want to be aware about women’s health, diseases, precautions and preventions? Cosmo updates you too with their Cosmo Body column. Be tickled also with Cosmo Confessions as mailers expose their dirty-evil secrets and sizzling stories. Every page and article is filled with informative discussions and new lessons to discover. It’s just so addictive that I get so excited on every fresh monthly issue. I would say that it’s indeed every fun, fearless, fabulous Pinay must-have.

Cosmo means MAGnifico!!

Be cosmotized too.!!!

“Live big, go for it, be the best that you can be in every area of your life”

Cosmo Editorial Team